DIY Vegetable Terrace Garden
I’m a big city girl who could never even keep bulbs alive. Not sure how on earth this vegetable terrace garden bloomed, but it did on my terrace in the heart of Downtown Austin, TX. Maybe the southern sunshine, maybe the extra love and attention during quarantine, either way, some of you asked to share how I built this so this is what I did. Note: I’m no growing expert, not even close, so feel free to take what you need, ask questions and do more research before planting your own. At the very least, I hope this inspires you to get in touch with nature and eat more plants.
1. Choose your vessel. I used an industrial double laundry sink from Home Depot so I had a lot of room to plant variety. A clawfoot bathtub or a basic planting container will do, just be sure there’s a small hole somewhere underneath so water can circulate.
2. Pick up some seeds, and/or starters. You’ll want about a palms worth of space around each variety of seed you plant. I used kale, radish, dill, arugula, nasturium seeds and basil, parsley, cilantro, thyme, pepper starters (meaning they where already partially grown babies).
3. Get good soil, I used Performance Organic All Purpose Mix.
4. Fill your vessel with soil almost to the top or find a sexy friend to help you out.
TY @go.withthe.flow 💕
5. Lay out your land, decide where you’re gonna plant stuff-figure about one palm of your hand distance per variety.
6. Plant (sow) seeds 3” into soil.
7. Water once in the morning and once at night, everyday. I use a champagne bottles worth of water for each watering. For babies, I close the top of the bottle with my thumb so the water sprinkles rather than dumps on the seeds-you need to water the babies delicately so they don’t drown. Once your plants are grown, you can let the water flow more normally.
8. About 4 weeks you’ll have enough growth to start snipping outside leaves to eat. It's very important that you don’t pull roots, and just cut what you will eat so plants keep growing. Eating from your garden is different than shopping for produce in a grocery store. Your garden greens are more perishable and fresh, they don't last long once trimmed so only take what you need each time you want to feast.
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